The VSRT is pleased to offer you an opportunity to interface with technologists in Virginia. Our Corporate Sponsorship Program gives your organization the contacts, exposure, and recognition that is needed in today’s competitive business world.Your advertising and professional recognition goals can be met by a once yearly sponsorship contribution. Your sponsorship entitles your organization to the following:

  1. Sponsor listing on the official VSRT Website home page
  2. Exhibit space at the VSRT Annual Student, Educator, Technologist Seminar
  3. Attendance & Recognition at the VSRT reception held at the seminar
  4. Advertising & promotion write for business taxes
  5. Avenues for face-to-face networking
  6. Providing continued educational opportunities for VSRT members
  7. Continuing education session admission for 2 exhibitors

Please consider a Corporate Sponsorship with the VSRT, to not only give your organization exposure to thousands of potential customers, but also to continue the mission of the VSRT and its obligation to offer new educational opportunities and a legislative voice to its members and potential members throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Prefer to Sponsor VSRT by Mail?

Click the button below to download our PDF Sponsor Application.